December 1, 2024

PV curtailment on imbalance: principle & advantage on your energy bill

PV curtailment

The recent increase in renewable sources has led to a significant increase in moments with negative electricity prices. The oversupply during sunny periods and weekends is of a permanent nature and makes the business case for local renewable generation very challenging.

Dynamically curtailing your renewable generation has become essential to make your investment pay off. Yuso PV curtailment remunerates for avoided injection!

Instead of curtailing on less volatile day-ahead electricity prices, we curtail on much more volatile imbalance prices. This maximises your returns.

Yuso PV curtailment creates value by curtailing solar energy injection at negative imbalance prices

We buy the theoretical solar volumes you would inject without curtailment at our standard day-ahead rate.

These volumes can be calculated in different ways. Every Yuso Certified Controller has an accurate method for this.

The curtailed energy is settled at imbalance prices. Since curtailment is performed at negative prices, you thus receive a bonus.

The gross curtailment benefit is shared with the customer based on the defined profit share.

PV curtailment on imbalance can increase your revenue by more than 50%

A 1 MWp PV plant injected about 990 MWh of solar energy in 2023. Without Yuso PV curtailment, this would generate ca. 51 k€ revenue, or ca. 51 €/MWh production.

For the same plant with Yuso PV curtailment, 297 MWh would be curtailed on imbalance in 2023. The entire theoretical production of 990 MWh is then remunerated at our DA tariffs, the curtailed volume at (negative) imbalance prices. With Yuso PV curtailment, this plant generates about 76 k€ of revenue, or about 77 €/MWh of theoretical production.

The benefit of PV curtailment is thus ca. 50%, or ± 25 k€/MWp/year.

Get started in 4 steps

Verify if your PV installation qualifies

To enable real-time steering of your PV plant, it is necessary that your inverters are supported by a Yuso Certified Controller.

Become a Yuso customer

Enter into a dynamic injection contract and enable curtailment of your injection.

To enjoy the full benefit, also enter into a dynamic offtake contract. This is the only way to curtail your entire production.

Install a Yuso certified controller

Our hardware partners develop Yuso Certified site controllers: ready-to-use hardware that integrates with our control logic. This controller acts as a gateway to our cloud services and enables the desired smart control.

Each of our commercial partners offer one or more Yuso Certified controllers.

Enter into a steering agreement

This lays down agreements on profit sharing on imbalance steering revenues.

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